В книге описана ситуация: во время полицейской облавы на наркопритон один из полицейских получил много глубоких порезов от осколков стекла из-за слишком близкого взрыва гранаты, а потом его случайно обсыпало героином, героин попал в открытые раны и парень практически мгновенно умер от передоза.
отрывок на английскомThere’s the sound of a pop as the pit bull breaks the chain and lunges toward him. Billy falls back, throwing the kilo into the air. It mushroom-clouds and then falls like a snow shower into his open wounds.
Another blast as Monty kills the dog.
But Billy’s flat on the floor. Malone sees him go rigid, then his legs start to spasm, jerking uncontrollably as the heroin speeds through his bloodstream.
His feet pound on the floor.
Malone kneels beside him, holds him in his arms.
“Billy, no,” Malone says. “Hold on.”
Billy looks up at him with empty eyes.
His face is white.
His spine jerks like an uncoiling spring.
Then he’s gone.Это вообще реальная ситуация - мгновенная смерть из-за попадания героина в открытые раны?