Ooh ooh ooh I did a twisty Ooh ooh ooh A tiny twisty Twist him up, Twist him down Twist him all around like the cobra Dancing to the music of the pipe The pipe, the pipe, the pipe of life
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Ooh ooh ooh I did a twisty Ooh ooh ooh A tiny twisty Twist him up, Twist him down Twist him all around like the cobra Dancing to the music of the pipe The pipe, the pipe, the pipe of life
antihermione Более того, мы еще десять минут пытались определить, где у него перед
Ooh ooh ooh I did a twisty Ooh ooh ooh A tiny twisty Twist him up, Twist him down Twist him all around like the cobra Dancing to the music of the pipe The pipe, the pipe, the pipe of life
Ooh ooh ooh I did a twisty Ooh ooh ooh A tiny twisty Twist him up, Twist him down Twist him all around like the cobra Dancing to the music of the pipe The pipe, the pipe, the pipe of life
antihermione Если открыть превьюшку, то будет видно, где у него глаз, а так, в живую, нереально, да
Ooh ooh ooh I did a twisty Ooh ooh ooh A tiny twisty Twist him up, Twist him down Twist him all around like the cobra Dancing to the music of the pipe The pipe, the pipe, the pipe of life
Вот есть отличное фото этой же звезды Acrida ungarica)))
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